
All views expressed herein are (obviously) my own and not representative of anyone else, be they my current or former employers, family, friends, acquaintances, distant relations or your mom.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Operation Don’t Die: Update.

It's been some time since I last wrote about this eternal struggle. And that's because for a while now I've kind of stopped trying. Like everyone who tries to lose fat bastard points, I tried a few different things and they worked or didn't with varying degrees of success. I'm alive, so I guess you could say that, having called it Operation Don't Die it has, so far, been successful. That's not the whole truth though, and seeing as failure in this respect is eventually inevitable, it should be called Operation Keep from Dying for as Long as Possible. Less catchy though.

As I've mentioned before in these things, I don't really like food all that much, which makes me less inclined to try different things, leading me to stuff the same things down my throat week in, week out. In addition, I don't handle bad or stressful days particularly well, and I tend to want to give up being good too easily. Still, I'm not quite to King of the Toads again just yet.

The thing that seemed to work best for me was an internal mantra - "Just don't fucking do it." When the snack trolley came by at work, or when I was awake late at night, I would tell myself this until the moment had passed. I ought to try that again. We'll see if it works.