
All views expressed herein are (obviously) my own and not representative of anyone else, be they my current or former employers, family, friends, acquaintances, distant relations or your mom.

Monday, May 22, 2017

Operation Don’t Die - Update.

I am, frankly, not much further on. I’m still alive, which I suppose is a victory of sorts. Truth is though, I have made progress recently, but in a slightly different way. I’ve made progress not in terms of obvious weight-loss, but more in terms of an improved diet and an increase in exercise, which should, in the long-term, assist with the weight loss.

Katie has declared that among the many varied things she wants to be when she grows up are an ‘Olympic swimmer’ and a ‘professional footballer’. As such she’s taken a keen interest in exercise and healthy eating and I figured it was an ideal time to get on this bandwagon while I have an excuse. As such, we’ve been paying regular visits to a local field to indulge in races, jogging, tennis and football, all of which leave us in a state of happy exhaustion, content in the feeling of our fast-beating hearts as we lay on the grass.

More often than I’ve been entirely comfortable with, we’ve had to arrange a slightly tweaked version of whatever food we prepare for the sake of my crap taste buds and over-fussiness. Coinciding with the exercise, I have decided to do away with the meal-amendments (where possible – I’m still not putting up with melted cheese), and have the same as everyone else. So far I’ve not been disgusted, but neither have I discovered any hitherto unknown taste sensations. As the meals are generally quite a bit healthier, I’m counting it as a win.

So not great strides, but I think some useful groundwork laid. Onwards and upwards, eh?