
All views expressed herein are (obviously) my own and not representative of anyone else, be they my current or former employers, family, friends, acquaintances, distant relations or your mom.

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Am I back? Probably not.

It’s been ages since I put something on this. Not sure why I’ve suddenly been moved to do something now. Sometimes when I used to do this I had tons of things to write about, usually all about people and things that annoyed me. Sometimes I didn’t have so much to write about and so I found myself looking around for things to write about just so there was a new update once or twice a month. And the whole thing became just a moan and I think it started to contribute to the way I started to feel more and more down.

So I had a choice. Either stop doing it or find more positivity to write about. Hence the last entry, all that time ago, about how the discovery of Japanese female-fronted rock and metal helped me through the worst parts of the first few years of the pandemic (no, I won’t be referring to it in the past tense, it’s still ongoing). But then I had to try to think of something more positive to write about.

Everything that lifts my mood is not likely to be of interest to anyone, so what’s the point? I guess I could pick up the film review site I also used to do. Truth is, there isn’t much I feel hopeful about at the moment. No bright future, no change gonna come. I think we’ve been on the worst timeline since 2016 or so and I think the descent is going to continue for the foreseeable.

I could rant about injustice I guess, a bit like I used to (that’s why I named the blog what I named it, after all), but I’m not really sure it makes me feel any better in the end. I know it used to, and then it didn’t. So I guess, maybe I’ll pick this up again. But then again, maybe I won’t. Bet you missed these riveting reads, didn’t you?