
All views expressed herein are (obviously) my own and not representative of anyone else, be they my current or former employers, family, friends, acquaintances, distant relations or your mom.

Friday, March 20, 2015

Operation Don’t Die: Update.

It’s been a while. As previously noted, much of the progress originally made was, um, un-made. I think I may be getting calorie intake under control again. What’s annoying is that I don’t actually like food all that much. I guess if I did, I could probably make eating less a bit more interesting, but as it is, I just end up not bothering to eat properly. I swear, if I didn’t have kids to try to set a good example for and a wife to guide me in setting that example, I’d probably be ten-tonne-Tessa-from-Texas by now. Another way in which my wife has saved my life.

It has, however, been too long since I stopped my regular exercise routine. New responsibilities at work tend to leave me less time, but I hope I can start going swimming at lunch times again. I went recently for the first time in ages. It’s basically whatever comes first – 30 minutes or 60 lengths (calm yourself, this is not exactly a full-length pool we’re talking about here). Previously I was making 60 lengths in less than 25 minutes and was considering going to 70. This time, I made the 60 with just a few minutes to spare and the last 15 damn near killed me. So, some ground to make up there.

Still, gives me something to do doesn’t it?