
All views expressed herein are (obviously) my own and not representative of anyone else, be they my current or former employers, family, friends, acquaintances, distant relations or your mom.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Everyone’s a critic.

Films, eh? Don't you just love 'em? No? Well, I do. Not that I'm saying cinema is my life, or anything, but watching movies is one of my absolute favourite things to do. Always has been, since I was a little kid watching H. G. Wells' The Time Machine or The War of the Worlds over and over. Doesn't matter what kind, what genre (apart from possibly horror - too scary, you see), even whether I like it or not. It's an art form. It is. It's a strange one, because there's so much shite produced just to make money, but in its purest form it is storytelling, and there most definitely is an art to telling good stories, whether it's by firelight, by book, or by film. It's not considered art in the same way painting or writing music is, but that's because it's a much more recent form of expression - it's barely over 100 years old (film that is, not storytelling, obviously).

If you've read enough of these blog entries, you'll know by now what kind of person I am - I like to give the impression that I'm knowledgeable, but in truth I know just enough to show off to people who know even less than me - true experts will and do see right through me. Well, the same goes for films; I talk like I know my stuff, but there's about a million and one films out there that I still need to see.

I thought it might be a good idea to chart my filmic journey and write down my thoughts and impressions of the films I watch. Rach and I have a bit of a tradition on Saturdays, where we settle down and stick a film on, partly because our kids prevent us from going out, and partly because we are really quite boring people. Anyway, I've started a blog about it (look at me, Mr. Big with my two blogs) here: http://experiment627movies.blogspot.com. Feel free to comment, discuss, disagree, shout abuse or laugh at me for my views.

I thought it would be cool to have both me and Rach do a review, but as much as she loves films, she doesn't quite get into them like me - she's more normal, so as she's contributing to this more as an indulgence to me, her writing will usually be brief in comparison to mine.

Be warned: the reviews are not recommendations, and the assumption is you have already seen the film being reviewed - there will ALWAYS be spoilers.

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